Pussy Sludge

By Gracie Gardner
Directed and Designed by Skylar Fox
Less Than Rent, HERE Arts Center, 2017

Lighting Design: Scot Gianelli
Stage Manager: Emily Garrison

Performed by Dominique Salerno, Rachel B. Joyce, RJ Vaillencourt, Becca Ballenger, Courtney Williams, Adam Weppler, Sebastian Beacon, & Josephine Huang

There's a young woman menstruating crude oil. She lives in a swamp. She's in love with Courtney, but her mother prefers RJ. No one knows who knows what's best. Pussy Sludge is a tender exploration of questioning authority, suspending shame through intimacy, and very bad advice.

*Pussy Sludge was awarded the 2017 Relentless Award in memory of Philip Seymour Hoffman